TURBOCON, Gas Turbine Control System.
John Brown Engineering Gas Turbines Ltd has the solution for new and retrofit Gas Turbine Control Systems. The microprocessor based TURBOCON control system utilises the latest hardware and software technology to create a state of the art unit controller used to replace any older control system technology. The system provides a practical solution to upgrades and retrofits giving significant improvement on reliability and availability with improved accuracy and on screen diagnostics. The system can be provided as either a Simplex or triple modular redundant (TMR) system to suit our clients and machine requirements.
SCADA Monitoring machine The system can be used either as a stand-alone package or be integrated into an overall system interfacing with existing or future DCS systems. An option for remote control or monitoring for single or multiple machines can be provided as well as for alarm logging, real time and historical trending.
Our Control System Features Include
- PID control within the PLC, optimising reliability and performance.
- Automatic sequenced start up with, temperature, speed and acceleration control to limit the thermal stresses on the turbine hot section components.
- Synchronization, governor control, load sharing, load control, PF control and power monitoring for complete power generation.
- Exhaust temperature monitoring, temperature alarm and trip monitoring and exhaust spread monitoring.
- Process set point adjustment. Increased start reliability. Load management and control. Vibration monitoring.
- Fuel control and monitoring. Speed and temperature control.
- Trending and logging real-time and historical.
User Benefits Include
- Easier operator control and monitoring.
- Simplified control and troubleshooting.
- Minimises calibration requirements.
- PID control.
- Hot Swap Components reduces downtime in plant availability.
- Flexible system architecture.
- Customised screen displays. Increased stability.
- Increased fault tolerance. Networking Capabilities.
- Readily available Spares- World Wide Support.